Sunday, February 13, 2011

I can't believe its already Sunday! And that spring break is in a month! (At least thats when I think it is...maybe i'm wrong...great thats when I need to finish that APH research paper....) I was planning on finishing a bunch of art this weekend, but sadly that didn't happen. I'm planning to do three little watercolors that all go together, as well as a larger painting, but i'm not sure what the subject should be...any ideas? Anyways, see everyone on Monday! thanks for all the comments!


  1. Hey- get well soon! we missed you. didn't you do 3 concentration pieces in january? I kind of remember something like that....anyways, French was pretty low-key last class. watched like 10 minutes of that movie and corrected homework for the rest, pretty much. and math was pretty good actually--we're finally off some graphing and back into algebra (but I'm sure they'll manage to bring it back in...they always do, unfortunately). are you starting your 3 mini-watercolors this week-end. gas stations? hope you'll be back on Tuesday!

  2. Thanks! I got a ton better right before OHSET :D i've started a ton of different ones an they'll all be done eventually... I'm starting them tonight! (maybe :P)
